Wednesday, April 23, 2008

2 Peas Wednesday Blogger Challenge - NO INTERNET????

Please feel free to join us if you blog Challenge for today~ What did you do before we had the Internet?

Man, it's been so long since I have had Internet that it is almost hard to remember what I used to do with my time. I know as far as crafting before I had the Internet I created new pages and projects all the time. Now that I have Internet I search for art inspiration and ideas to create but I surf way more than I create. As for friendships and relationships - well I suck at staying in contact with people and keeping friendships going. Before Internet I rarely talked to friends and family and now that I have Internet I talk to people almost daily. All in all I'd say that Internet has impacted my life for the better. The possibilities out there with Internet are endless ...


Staci said...

It's weird to think of life before the internet isn't it?!

Bonita Rose said...

great post.. and i agree with u, how wud we ever know ea other otherwise??

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