Tuesday, September 05, 2006

2 Peas Tuesday Blogger Challenge - Best Friends

Join us today/Tue if you blog. Challenge: Think of one of your best friends,: what is the first thing most people would notice about that person?
I have been thinking about this challenge a lot this morning. In all honesty I can say that I do not have a best friend. This is something I have been dealing with for years now. I am always so afraid of getting hurt that I never let people close enough to let them become best friends. The majority of the relationships I have are purely superficial. I felt that if they stayed superficial then I would not be disappointed when they decided I wasn't good enough to be friends with. This attitude is now changing for the better. I have been taking seminars through http://www.pathwaysseminars.com and what I have been learning about myself through the work I have done in these seminars is that I am a great person. Most people would be lucky to call me a friend. In finally realizing my own importance, I am realizing the need for close intimate relationships in my life. It is a process to let someone close enough to call them a best friend. To me it involves honest sharing, support and unconditional love. I am now working on creating this with some people who I am beginning to love dearly. Some day through my sharing, my openness and my love I will be able to call them my best friends.


Lynn said...

I was sad when I read that you did not have a best friend. I know that for some it is a difficult task (my own husband included). I'm sure with your seminars you have met some truly nice, sincere people who would love to be your friend. I kmow that you will find a true friend very soon, and when you do, you will have a great feeling. I know I would love to be your on-line friend. You can pea-mail me anytime.

Bonita Rose said...

you know you can always count on me hon.
Kindred spirits, we are.
I am oh so proud of you!

Sofia said...

I have the same problem. I'm blessed to have my husband and my mom as my best friends, but I have a really hard time opening up to other people. I don't want to let them get too close becasue I'm afraid that they won't like the real me and I'll get hurt again. Good for you for working on it. :-)

Sofia said...

I have the same problem. I'm blessed to have my husband and my mom as my best friends, but I have a really hard time opening up to other people. I don't want to let them get too close becasue I'm afraid that they won't like the real me and I'll get hurt again. Good for you for working on it. :-)

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