Monday, September 25, 2006

Answering The Call

Last night we had a service to Ordinate one of the Pastors from our church, Reverend Brenda. It was a beautiful and moving service filled with the Holy Spirit. Our Senior Pastor preached on answering the call and it really spoke to my heart. He talked about readying yourself to answer God's call in whatever it is that God asks you to do. Becoming ready to do the work God wants requires giving yourself wholly to Him, presenting yourself and your life to Him and developing a deep, intimate relationship with the Savior. Becoming ready to do God's work also requires one to look inside themselves and fix what is inside. It means going deep within to deal with and heal all the hurts and emotions that are inside. It means being real and doing the work it takes to heal yourself so that you can then go out and help others. Thanks to the work I have done in Celebrate Recovery and the work I am doing in Discovering the Real You I am now doing that work that it will take to develop the kind of relationship I want with Christ. It will allow me to go out and serve for His glory. To serve His people.

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