Friday, July 18, 2008

New Job Status - I QUIT!!

Well... after 2 hours at my new job I quit. It's not how I had planned my first day. It was actually a big disappointment. Turns out the contract was not just customer service & billing like I was led to believe but was actually a debt recovery contract. Yuck! I realize that lots of people do this job and I am sure some even like it. But not me. I think I would feel bad for each and every customer I called. I would feel like I was bothering them. And the first time a customer yelled at me I know I would probably cry. This is just not a job I could ever see myself doing. Ever. So now I am once again unemployed.


emily said...

I'm sorry it turned out so dissapointing for you. It sounds like you made the best decision for you. I have done that before..went through the training and decided "this isn't for me." It's a hard decision but one you won't regret. Good luck!

Lily said...

Man, that stinks. Don't you hate when comanies aren't up front about what you'll be doing. I always wonder what kind of people can do that kind of job. Like you I'd be crying like a little girl with no lollipop. good for you for making the tough call.

Lily said...

Man, that stinks. Don't you hate when comanies aren't up front about what you'll be doing. I always wonder what kind of people can do that kind of job. Like you I'd be crying like a little girl with no lollipop. good for you for making the tough call.

Heather said...

Oh, I'm sorry to hear it was a bad deal. It's unfair that you were mislead also. It's good that you made a decision that was right for you though.

Monica Loewen said...

Sorry to hear that - hopefully you find something else soon!

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