Join us today/Tuesday -- if you blog. Challenge - If you could live in any other time period of the world besides right now, what time period would you love to live in??? and why? Have fun blogging .
This used to be something my dad and I talked about all the time while I was growing up. We used to sit down and have the most amazing conversations about
what it would be like growing up in different time periods. I think most of these conversations started after my watching an episode of Dr Quinn Medicine Woman or Christy. I loved watching these shows and seeing the simplicity in those time periods. In the late 1800 things were beginning to develop but the main focus was of family, of friends, and of God. It seemed so much less stressful with candles, home cooked meals, real families, horses and buggies. I guess a girl can always dream about living in a different time period.
Very cool! That IS a great era. Like the pictures you added.
What a great post. I loved Dr.Quinn Medicine Woman also. I think that it was so much simplier then. Nothing like the rat race we have now.
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