Friday, February 16, 2007

2 Peas Friday Blogger Challenge - Living Life Over

Join us today/Friday if you blog. Challenge: If you had your life to live over again, what would you choose to do over again? Blog about it.... As much as I have had some really bad experiences in my life, and as much as I've made some extremely poor choices I do not believe I would change anything I have gone through or experienced. Every single experience I have had to this point in my life has shaped who I am today. God allowed all those experiences and choices to shape me and to tech me to become the woman He has desired for me since before I was created. God always has a perfect plan for each and every one of us. It is not always the pl,an we want, and many of us question the events that have occurred in our lives. We just have to remember that God knows the plan and He will never leave us. He will take us to where we want to be.


Noelia said...

Great post. Isn't it good to know that His ways are better than ours? That picture you chose to enterpret your post is awesome. Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

I once heard that "God never gives us more to bear than which we can shoulder".
This means to me that regardless of how challenging life gets .....Faith Manages.

With My Very Best Regards;

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