Monday, May 05, 2008

My thoughts for this morning...

You know it has taken me a really long time to be able to deal with the fact that I have mental health problems. I think really it's because I've always been afraid of what other people thought of me. I have spent so much of my life trying to live up to my idea of "perfect" and believe me mentally I am far from perfect. After my kids were born I started having panic attacks and depression. As I have aged, unfortunately the anxiety, panic, depression and worry have intensified. I used to be afraid of getting help but now I realize that just because I have mental disorders does not make me any less of a person. The fact that I am seeking out help and trying to change this part of my life makes me a stronger person. So today... hats off to mental health professionals. Without you I'd be an even crazier person than I already am.

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