Saturday, September 01, 2007

2 Peas Saturday Blogger Challenge - Long Weekend Plans

Feel free to join us if you blog

Today's challenge is~
With it being a long weekend. Do you have any big plans?

I don't really have any fun and amazing plans set up for this long weekend. I get my kids back a day early (today) which is amazing!! Today I plan on cleaning some of the house before picking up my girls, then we are going to have a BBQ at my parents cottage. Tomorrow and Monday will involve lots of little preparation things for back to school - going through the girls clothes and getting rid of what they don't want and what doesn't fit, going school lunch grocery shopping, putting the girls to bed at their school bed time. Just lots of prep stuff. I do know I will enjoy every second I have with them. This will be the first year my youngest Emily will be in school everyday - I think it will be difficult getting used to. I plan on playing with the kids and hugging and kissing them lots. Just enjoying family time together.


Anonymous said...
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Sherri said...

Sounds like a great way to spend the weekend...have a good one!

toners said...

My youngest also started full-time school this summer; it's quite an adjustment!

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