Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Madness - How to improve your mood

I was reading this article on how to improve your mood and it had some wonderful information. According to the article the skill of being able to put yourself in a good mood is called Positive Mind Conditioning. There are 5 key steps to increasing your motivation level, ambition and drive. these are: Step 1: One Thought At A Time

  • the next time a negative thought crosses your mind quickly think of a goal or enjoyable experience

  • randomly check in with your thoughts and see what kind of thoughts you are thinking pessimistic or optimistic and if they are negative do what's mentioned above and it will soon become a habit

Step 2 : Expect The Best

  • starting the day off with thoughts of succeeding increased your chances of a successful outcome

  • keep your eye on the goal, expect the best and stay positive

Step 3 : Stay Focused

  • think of goals and other ambitions many times a day, think specifically about what you want, and what you need to get out of this goal

  • constantly dwelling on the idea of getting what you want creates very strong ambition

Step 4: Change Your Thinking

  • following these steps can allow you to release your energy and really focus on the true wants and goals you have for yourself and your life

  • happiness is a choice not an automatic response

Step 5 : Persistence

  • persistent people achieve more

  • by disciplining yourself to work hard and achieve your goals you will have a new sense of self-esteem and self discipline, you will also find the strength to control your thoughts and lead a happier life

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