Monday, February 14, 2011

Mental Health Monday: 5 Ways To Develop A Positive Mental Attitude

A positive mental attitude can help to dissolve stress and can affect your physical well being. Here are 5 ways you can help to boost your positive mental attitude.

1. Create A Positive Environment : Become more aware of the way you are thinking and encourage your thinking to become more positive. If you think positively your mood will reflect this.

2. Do Not Give Up: View setbacks as lessons to be learned and do not walk away. You will have more satisfaction from your successes.

3. Just Laugh : Find humour in all you can you will notice a more positive mood.

4. Live In The Moment : Do not focus on the past or future. Live in the moment and enjoy all the beauty and joy around you every day.

5. Expect Good Things : Recognize that you deserve to have good things happen to you and expect that they will. Maintain that positive attitude.

You can view the full article I read here:

1 comment:

jillconyers said...

Love this post! Now i'm off to read the article. Thanks for the link.

Have a great week Sandra!

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