Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday Thirteen : 13 Reasons I Am Excited About Moving

I am moving July 1st and am so excited. The past 8 months I have been living at a friend's house and have almost all things I own packed and in storage and have been sleeping on the couch.

Here's 13 Reasons I Am Excited About Moving.

1. I get a bedroom - which means a real bed to sleep in

2. I finally get a room to myself to go to when I need to relax

3. I get to unpack my rooster collection - I know they are just roosters but I have missed them all the same

4. My bedroom is in the loft which means I can turn half of it into a creating space - I can't wait to unpack all my craft supplies - I can finally start art journaling and tole painting again

5. The kids each get their own bedroom - no sharing and getting on each other's nerves

6. There are two flights of stairs - maybe I can tone up a bit

7. It's right beside the kids school, they can go there to play anytime they want

8. I have some new furniture (well new to me) and I can't wait to see how it all fits

9. It's not as big as where I have been staying so I should be able to keep it clean (**should**)

10. It's got a bigger kitchen than my last apartment so I'll hopefully start enjoying cooking again

11. It's right across the street from the mall and grocery store which means i have more reason to walk

12. It's withing walking distance for the girls to visit their dad

13. I finally get to put up all my photos and tole painting - I have missed looking at these familiar pieces.


Xakara said...

Congrats on the move and everything is brings for you!

Happy TT,


13 DVR'd Shows

CountryDew said...

Best of luck with the move - I hope your new place is everything you want it to be.

I am Harriet said...

Sounds like 13 great reasons!

Have a great day!

Cindy Swanson said...

Oh, Sandra, I'm so sorry about your dad. I know a little bit about how you're feeling.

Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog! You have a lovely blog here. Congrats on moving into your own place, that's exciting!

Cindy @ Notes in the Key of Life

Heather said...

Congrats on moving into your own space. Sounds like it is in an ideal location for you and your girls.

Forgetfulone said...

Congratulations! I'm happy for you. And it sounds like a wonderful place.

Pierre BOYER said...

For better days...
For a happyest life...


jillconyers said...

Congrats on the upcoming move! I love to move. if I didn't have kids in school I would move every 5 or so years.

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