Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My 6 Year Old Wants to Be A Vegetarian

My six year old Emily is a very determined girl - especially when she makes up her mind. Recently she figured out that meat really comes from animals. She loves animals - says she wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. There have been a few meals lately where she has started crying and refusing to eat the food on her plate because she doesn't want to eat animals. The other day she sat down with me and told me she wants to be a vegetarian - that she loves animals and that she never wants to eat another animal ever again. I was shocked. At six I felt she was too little to make this decision. She and I have sat down and had a long talk about nutrition and vitamins and how she would have to eat so healthy and the right things to get the nutrients she needs. She was very grown up about the whole thing. Very determined. I am going to support her in this choice because you can tell when she speaks how hurt she feels about eating meat. I'm hoping that it won't be too much of a change for meal times - maybe it'll even help us all eat a little healthier too. Guess I'll just have to wait, go along with it and see how it all plays out in the long run.


Sarah Coggins said...

What a mature little girl. I think it's great you are trying to accommodate her idea. She may very well change her mind after a week or two without meat. If not, perhaps her pediatrician can suggest ways for you all to get those important nutrients without meat.

Bonita Rose said...

wow... good for her. Healthy living is important to all of us.

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