According to Andrea from ABC Creativity :
'Hello Monday Morning! A fresh week. A fresh start. Everything is wide open. Everything is possible.
Before you jump right into your week, take a few minutes to choose where you want to focus your energy this week, to think about what direction you want to be moving in.
Setting a weekly intention is taking some time to pave the way for success, joy and dreams come true to find you throughout the week.
This is not about setting goals or creating to-do lists and working your tail off to achieve them. This is about taking some time to be quiet and still and ask “What do I need this week?” and setting an intention from there to align yourself with that.
Then the real work is to remember your intention and align with it throughout the week.'
My intention for this week is to be as creative and professional as I can be at all my photoshoots. This is the first time ever that I have 5 photoshoots in one week and I want to be able to do as good at the 5th one as I do at the first. I need to not be overwhelmed by all the photo editing afterwards. Take my time and pace myself.
Great positive thinking will carry you through what sounds to be a busy week. Good for you. Shah. X
I just want to say that I believe in you Sandra and that I agree with you! I DO believe that your fifth photoshoot will be as good as your first - possibly better! You will come into your own with regards to being organised with each shoot pictures and next weekend will find you doing the happy dance with your girls! You are an awesome role model for them - the best, never forget that.
Hi Sandra - hope those photo-shoots went superly and that you're still glowing positive. If not, you know where we are. The monday madness post is up -
Shah. X
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