Thursday, April 26, 2007

2 Peas Thursday Blogger Challenge

Join us today/THURS if you blog.

Challenge: Have you ever had a miracle? Witnessed a miracle? Blog about it...

I guess I could say I have had three miracles in my life. The first two being the births of my beautiful girls. At one point, right before I got pregnant with my first I was told there was a chance I would never get pregnant. And I did, and they are the most amazing thing in my whole life. My other miracle would be getting free from drug amazing accomplishment that I could have never done alone.


toners said...

I loved reading about your three miracles :) You must be so proud!

Yellow Fence said...

3 awesome miracles. I also believe that any time a child is conceived, carried through a pregnancy and then delivered healthy it is a miracle!


Bonita Rose said...

amen and amen.

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